Monday, December 24, 2012

Examples of reflex impairment data

Here are some examples of the effects of stressors on reflex impairment and how individual reflex impairment can vary among fish species.

Atlantic cod reflex impairment and mortality occurring after exposure to air for 5 to 20 min Humborstad et al. 2009.

Coho salmon reflex impairment occurring after time in a landed seine net from 3 to 15 min Raby et al. 2012.

Proportion of coho salmon individual reflex impairment at various levels of RAMP Raby et al. 2012.
Proportion of walleye pollock, coho salmon, and northern rock sole individual reflex impairment after towing in a net for 5 min followed by exposure to air for 0 to 15 min. Pacific halibut were towed in a net for 240 min followed by exposure to air for 10 to 30 min Davis 2007.

Proportion of walleye pollock, coho salmon, northern rock sole, and Pacific halibut individual reflex impairment in order of impairment and contribution to total impairment Davis 2010

Different patterns of individual reflex impairment among species suggest hypothesis tests that could be made about the relative development and importance of individual reflexes and how these relate to life history patterns. Walleye pollock and coho salmon are pelagic species while northern rock sole and Pacific halibut are benthic species.

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