Monday, September 21, 2015

Importance of context for RAMP curves used to predict mortality and survival of stressed animals

Relationships between reflex/buoyancy impairment and post-capture mortality for Atlantic cod (Humborstad et al. 2016).
Humborstad et al. (2016) looked at the relationship between reflex/buoyancy impairment and post-capture mortality for Atlantic cod exposed to fishing stressors. RAMP curves were generated for (a) fish exposed to laboratory simulated forced swimming, air exposure, and net abrasion, (b) field longline capture, and (c) field pot capture. The authors concluded that:
“It appears that specific RAMP curves may be needed for gears that involve different stressors, including consideration of any additional stress associated with captive observation of delayed mortality. Differences in stressors and holding conditions certainly reduce the general applicability of RAMP across different stressors and fisheries. However, once a RAMP curve has been established for a specific set of stressors or gears, the strong relationship between reflex impairment and mortality shows the potential for predicting mortality outcomes, especially at high and low levels of impairment.”
“Reflex impairment could predict mortality among fish caught by pot and longline. However, different RAMP curves were observed between laboratory and field conditions, indicating that careful consideration must be given to the types of stressors present and captive-observation conditions for delayed mortality when comparing RAMP curves for different fisheries. The inclusion of buoyancy status in modelling greatly improved mortality predictability.”
Science and medicine generally do not know proximate and ultimate causes for why fish and other animals die. This lack of mechanistic knowledge precludes us from direct understanding and prediction of death. However, we can observe correlates with death; animal size, stressors, vitality impairment, and physiological impairment. These correlates can be used to identify risk factors and predict immediate and delayed mortality. 
Successful mortality and survival prediction requires that the context of animal exposure to stressor risk and recovery be included in any experimental analysis of this problem.  We cannot simply identify stressors, impairment, or physiological numbers and say that they will result in a particular mortality (Davis 2002). RAMP curves clearly show the importance of context for exposure to stressors and potential mortality or survival (Davis 2010). The question of interactions among stressors and their context has recently been elaborated for freshwater and marine systems (Jackson et al. in press).

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What is RAMP: reflex action mortality predictor?

Reflex actions and injury traits in crab scored for impairment (Stoner 2012, Yochum et al. 2015).

Reflex actions and injury traits in sharks scored for impairment (Danylchuk et al. 2014).

Reflex actions and injury traits in fish scored for impairment (Davis 2010, McArley and Herbert 2014).

Reflex actions and injury traits in turtles scored for impairment (LeDain et al. 2013, Stoot et al. 2013).
Photos; crab - Farm to Market, shark -  Swell Brains, fish - DEEP, turtle - Aquatica.

Any animal has reflex actions and potential injury traits; see diamonds in figures. These fixed traits can be observed, scored present or absent, and summed to form an animal vitality impairment score. Animal vitality is a gestalt of reflex and injury traits that we can observe as a whole animal, active and responding to stimuli. Vitality impairment and mortality are correlated and this relationship is expressed as RAMP, reflex action mortality predictor.

Impairment of well-defined reflex actions and injury types may differ for each species, dependent upon their natural history and phylum.  These species traits of reflex actions and injury types can be scored and combined to express the percentage of whole animal impairment. No impairment represents a healthy animal with all actions present and all injury absent. Increasing absence of reflex actions and presence of injury types is increasing impairment and is correlated with mortality.

Sublethal and lethal zones associated with reflex action impairment scores (RAMP) in walleye pollock, rock sole, sablefish, and Pacific halibut (Davis and Ottmar 2006). For these species at specific transition impairment values, a rapid rise in mortality is observed after a small increase in reflex impairment. 

These curves illustrate the expression “you are alive until you are not”. Animals live in various states of vitality impairment that are correlated with stress. Above a quantifiable level of vitality impairment, animals begin to show mortality, correlated with continued increase for impairment. The distribution of reflex impairment and injury in a group of animals is a measure of population vitality. 

For fish species (Davis 2010, McArley and Herbert 2014), animals have several types of reflex actions which can be secondary or primary. One action group contains secondary peripheral actions that are part of swimming and defensive behavior (fin erection and startle). Impairment of these reflex actions generally indicates sublethal stress effects and is associated with increasing stressor intensity (duration or strength). A second action group contains primary body functions (orientation and coordinated breathing). Impairment of primary body functions generally indicates delayed mortality after stress induction. In the same way, for crustacean species (Stoner 2012, Yochum et al. 2015), loss of leg reflex actions are associated with sublethal stress effects. Loss of eyestalk and mouth actions are associated with delayed mortality after stress induction.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Triage for captured and released fisheries species: research and survival

Will they survive? (The Guardian, 2013)

Vitality impairment can be linked to post-capture mortality in fisheries bycatch. Vitality impairment can be estimated by direct observation of animal activity, responsiveness, and injury. For each critical fisheries species in crabs, fishes, sharks, and turtles, reflex actions that are consistently present in healthy, uninjured individuals are listed as control levels. Impairment is signified by loss of reflex action types and addition of injury types after capture.  

Reflex actions are fixed, consistent animal behavior patterns that can be triggered by perception of external stimuli (light, sound, smell, gravity, touch). Stimulation of reflex actions is not controlled by body size, motivation, strength of stimulus, or fear. Reflex action traits summed as a whole animal can be an expression of vitality (Davis 2010). In contrast, volitional behavior can be altered by body size, motivation, strength of stimulus, fear, cognition, and as such is not a controlled measure of vitality.

With the species reflexes and potential injury lists, observations of captured animals can be made in commercial and sport fisheries. Patterns of significant impairment can be determined and related to fishing context and species (Raby et al. 2015). These patterns help identify the relative effects of fishing gears, handling, and physical factors (air, temperature, light, pressure) on impairment and potential survival and mortality.

Figure shows overlap between information on animal physiology and fisheries biology, adapted from Horodysky et al. 2015 and modified to show vitality information. Measures of vitality include reflex impairment and injury, which are whole animal measures that are ecologically relevant, linking physiological and population level research and hypothesis testing. Volitional behavior is coordinated whole animal movements beginning with perception and motivation, followed by attraction and aversion to various stimuli (injury, threat, food, shelter, species mates, migration).

Patterns of vitality impairment can guide research questions and priorities to triage fisheries for treatment of bycatch mortality and enhancement of survival. Vitality impairment can measure the efficacy of engineering fishing gears to increase bycatch survival. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Observing vitality impairment

Animal vitality can be measured by observing species traits associated with activity, responsiveness, and injury. For each species, a group of reflex actions can be observed that are consistently present in healthy animals. As vitality becomes impaired, reflex action traits disappear and injury traits may begin to appear. 

Activity, responsiveness, and injury for measurement of vitality impairment (Benoît et al. 2010). 

Fisheries show gradients of stressors associated with capture, handling, and release or escape. Discard mortality, survival, and vitality impairment are controlled by stressor gradients.

Gradients of mortality and simulated stressors in sablefish fisheries; water temperature and gear type including trawl (time), longline, pot. Smaller fish are more sensitive to stressors (AFSC).

Vitality impairment gradients are associated with stressors and can be used to predict survival and delayed mortality for populations of impaired animals. Vitality impairment gradients can be measured by identifying classes of health condition; excellent, good, poor, and moribund based on rapid observation and impression of animal injury and activity (Benoît et al. 2015). 

The resolution for observations of vitality impairment gradients can be increased by including more information. RAMP is an example of this approach (Davis and Ottmar 2006, Davis 2010). A list can be made of reflex actions present in control animals and possible injuries. Then presence or absence of listed traits is observed after exposure to stressors. Increasing impairment is associated with stress effects and morbidity.
Reflex actions observed in snapper by McArley and Herbert 2014.

Relationships between vitality impairment and survival or delayed mortality can be experimentally determined. Then predictions of stress effects in other settings with similar stressors can be made by measuring vitality impairment associated with stressors, without the need to hold or tag animals. Vitality impairment can be rapidly observed in sampled populations as an additional factor to evaluate stressor effects and is a useful indicator of animal health and stress status, that can be validated experimentally.
Reflex impairment and mortality for individuals (A) and groups (B) of Atlantic cod with 95% confidence intervals (Humborstad et al. 2009). 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Snow crab discard mortality

Snow crab in Bering Sea pot fishery (ASMI).

Over 19,000 snow crab were evaluated in Bering Sea pot fisheries 2010-2012 for impairment using the RAMP method (Urban 2015). The estimated discard mortality rate was 4.5% (s.d. = 0.812), significantly below the rate used in stock assessment models. The author concludes: “ In this study, the results of RAMP observations showed that at the range of winter temperatures typically encountered by the Bering Sea snow crab fishery, nearly all discarded crab experienced no reflex impairments. Therefore, we estimate that they should have only a 4.8% chance of short-term mortality. Injuries caused by the fishery occurred at very low levels and so should also have a minimal effect on discard mortality rates. However, because long-term survival rates and the effects of reduced crab vitality are difficult to predict, an estimate of the total impact of discard practices on snow crab stocks is not possible. Even with these uncertainties, the current empirical evidence indicates that the assumed discard mortality rate of 50% is conservative.”

Figure 1. The upper panel shows the relationship between the temperature at the snow crab sorting table and the predicted mortality of snow crab based on reflex impairments. Error bars indicate the 95% CI. The lower panel shows the proportions of the temperatures recorded, while the observations were being made during the 2010–2012 fisheries (Urban 2015).

Friday, February 13, 2015

RAMP method video developed by ILVO

ILVO (Belgium Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research) has developed RAMP methods for three species of flatfish (plaice, sole, and dab) in European fisheries.

The first video sets the scene and explains the potential relevance of this method in relation to the recently reformed European Common Fisheries Policy.

The second video explains and demonstrates reflex tests in more detail and may guide other investigators in defining and recognizing reflex actions.

An excerpt from the video text explains, “A staggering amount of commercially-caught fish is being thrown overboard. Some say that all of those discarded fish are either dead before they hit the water or they die soon after, victims of predation or injury. But others argue that some of those species are strong enough to survive after being discarded and live long enough to reproduce. The European Common Fisheries Policy was recently reformed and will now phase in a ban on discarding, meaning that fishers will have to land everything they catch. The idea behind the ban is to stimulate more selective fishing techniques, because it will be in the fisher’s interest to only catch the most valuable fish. However, by landing everything, this ban risks killing more fish than before. If a juvenile fish lives long enough after being discarded to spawn new fish, it should be given that opportunity. For this reason, the discard policy provides an important exception: if a certain species can be scientifically proven to have a high chance of survival, fish of that species should be thrown back after catch. Researchers at the Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (or ILVO) in Ostend, Belgium are testing the most commercially important species of flatfish - plaice, sole and dab – for their likelihood of survival.”

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Elements of vitality testing and delayed mortality in fisheries

Conceptual diagram outlining elements for vitality testing and delayed mortality in fisheries. Fish are captured and environment sampled. Fish become stressed which is measured as impairment from control health by observing reflex actions and injury types. Stressed fish are held for captive observation to determine delayed mortality. Bias and error can be introduced by initial impressions of vitality before testing reflex actions and injury, by differing observer scoring opinions, and by holding conditions that are stressful for the fish. 

Scoring vitality impairment is most difficult when observer decision is used. Training observers is a key part of RAMP development. Reflex actions (RA) are clearly present in control animals, and observers do not need decisions to score present. As impairment increases, scoring RA requires increasing observer decisions about whether sampled RA are present. The decision can be based on how control RA appear to trained observers. Each observer will have different opinions that can be influenced by their initial impressions of the animal and of the stressor treatments the animal has been exposed to.

Initially after stress induction, RA impairment increases and mirrors stress levels, while mortality is not evident. When animals reach a critical impairment level, replicates begin to show mortality, which increases rapidly over small changes in RA score. At highest levels of impairment decisions are less frequent as the animal ceases general movement and responsiveness.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Questions and answers about observer bias in RAMP

Q: What are the options when grappling with cognitive/expectation and sampling biases in manipulative fisheries research experiments under sometimes challenging conditions at sea?

A: Begin by training and calibrating observation. We all recognize vitality when we see animals with high vitality. This recognition is based on rapid visual assimilation of information about several traits including injury, activity, and responsiveness. We cannot separate our cognitive impression of vitality level from the act of observing individual traits and scoring their presence or absence. Presence or absence of reflex actions is scored relative to control animals which have a set of reflex actions consistently present. Reflex actions range from clearly seen through weakening stages to clearly absent. As the animal becomes more stressed and impairment increases, the interaction of impression and scoring observations contributes bias. 

If observers are trained to clearly recognize a suite of real reflex actions in the species of interest, then correctly recognizing the impairment or absence of those reflex actions should be a realistic accomplishment. An experiment to test for the effect of observer bias and variability in scoring reflex actions could be conducted in the lab or field if enough fish and observers are available. Stress some fish (air exposure) to produce replicates over a range of RAMP impairment scores and have the observers sample reflex actions. Blind the study treatments from observers. Estimates for observer bias from stress studies with different species will be useful for improving observer training by identifying protocols that need to be more defined and less subject to observer opinions. Alternatively, Benoît et al. (2010) modeled observer bias as a random factor. 

Q: How can we achieve a blinded experimental design if the experimenter who assigns or is aware of experimental treatments also scores reflex impairment on board (commercial) vessels?

A: Perform some fish experiments on observer bias outlined above and decide how important observer bias is after training with well-defined protocols for testing individual reflex actions. The bias problem may be mitigated by training using clear definitions of present or absent for reflex actions. I will assume that the vessel captain is conducting the experimental fishing treatments. So the captain could be given treatment conditions by the scientist and then could conduct fishing by assigning treatments randomly without the knowledge of the scientist observer. However tow time, soak time, or haul time and catch volume will be apparent to observers. 

Q: Is an observer influenced in his/her ability to score reflexes if, apart from knowing the treatment, also the condition of an organism is evident even before the scoring begins? Is there any option to minimise this?

A: We cannot separate the correlation between overall impression of vitality and scoring reflex actions. However, we can be trained to clearly recognize the presence of reflex actions. Any impairment through weakness, delay, or loss of action is scored absent.  The key method for minimizing observer bias for reflex actions is to clearly establish what the suite of reflex actions look like when they are consistently present in control animals. If presence of a reflex action is difficult or inconsistent to determine then it is not a good candidate for testing. Any deviation from control appearance in action strength or delayed time for action can be considered impaired and scored absent. The goal is to eliminate variability in detection of presence for reflex actions. By sharpening the decision criteria, bias and variability can be reduced. This idea can be tested using the outlined experiment design.

Q: Seeing that vitality assessments of discarded fish in Europe are now being developed in several places is there a need to also quantitatively evaluate the ability of different observers to score reflexes consistently? What would be the best setup for such a training exercise? 

A: As mentioned above, a stress experiment can be conducted to quantify observer bias and consistency.  With enough replicate fish and observers, an air stress experiment could produce fish with varying levels of reflex action impairment. These fish could be sampled by observers with defined criteria and using an experimental design for testing the effects of observer variability and bias. The effect of training could also be evaluated using this design.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Observer bias and RAMP

Cognitive bias (The Daily Omnivore, 2012)

Subjective scores for animal behavior can be biased by observer opinions about experimental treatment differences and resulting outcomes (Tuyttens et al. 2014). The research paper title expresses a fundamental bias of human perception and belief: “Observer bias in animal behaviour research: can we believe what we score, if we score what we believe?” The problem is to separate belief from observation. This may be accomplished by clearly defining and adhering to consistent protocols for behavior observation and analysis.

RAMP relies on subjective scoring for presence or absence of reflex actions or injury types. Control fish have a suite of reflex actions that are consistently and clearly present when tested for. When an observer begins to notice the weakening or complete loss of a reflex action, that action is scored as absent (impaired). There will be variation among observers in the decisions about when reflex actions are impaired and bias will vary with experimental protocol. 

Because RAMP is an aggregate vitality impairment index summed from control reflex actions and potential injury types, a RAMP score includes the observer bias for each included reflex action and injury. Close correspondence of RAMP scores and mortality is noted at low and high scores because observers clearly know when fish are active and when fish are severely injured and impaired. Relationship of mortality and RAMP is more variable at intermediate levels of impairment and mortality in part because observer opinion about impairment is more variable. To reduce observer bias, RAMP for a species must be designed to include reflex actions and injury types that can be clearly separated into present or absent scores. Also experimental treatments can be administered without informing observers.   

Vitality of a stressed fish is readily observed. We are primarily seeing the activity, responsiveness, and injury presented by the animal. The most widely used vitality index in commercial fisheries is for the halibut fisheries of the northeast Pacific Ocean (AFSC Observer Manual 2015), based on Appendices S-X for trawl, pot, and longline fisheries.  For trawl and pot fisheries, three levels of vitality (excellent, poor, and dead) are scored by observing injury types and spontaneous activity, startle response to touch, and operculum clamping. For longline fisheries, vitality is scored by observing injury types. Mortality rates are assigned to vitality impairment scores using tagging experiments (Williams 2014).

Vitality impairment codes (Benoît et al. 2010).

Benoît et al. (2010) constructed a fishery vitality index with four levels of impairment (excellent, good, poor, moribund) that are scored by observing injury types, spontaneous body movement, startle to touch, and operculum clamping. Their vitality index and the halibut vitality index use the progressive increase of injury and impairment of activity to score vitality impairment. Benoît et al. (2010) corrected for observer bias by using a random effects term in their statistical model. 

Reflex actions scored for presence or absence in RAMP for snapper (McArley & Herbert 2014).

The RAMP vitality index alters impairment scoring to only include presence or absence of a larger number of injury and reflex actions. This shift attempts to introduce more information about activity and injury types that may be associated with mortality and to reduce decisions about degree of impairment for individual activity and injury traits. Impairment is observed as a progressive increase in the number of reflex actions that become absent and the number of injury types that become present when compared to control animals. Because observer bias can be introduced in scoring, observer protocols must be well defined with clear rules for presence or absence of traits. Observer judgements about correspondence between experimental treatments and outcomes could also be eliminated by careful experimental design.